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Please be advised that Leerink Partners LLC (collectively, “we”, “us” or “our” is willing to use instant messenger (“IM”) communication with you and your firm (“you” or “your”) only as an accommodation to your business. If you choose to use IM to communicate with our representative, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Use of IM involves certain risks, including but not necessarily limited to those referred to below. By using IM to communicate with our representative, you are agreeing to assume all such risks.
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  4. Your orders, cancellations and other instructions must be sent in a manner and within time-frames that would allow us to timely process the same, including, without limitation, reasonably prior to the end of trading hours of the relevant market. Failure to do so may make it impossible for us to process your orders and act on your instructions.
  5. You assume full responsibility for your trading activity and communications, including, but not limited to, compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and exchange or market requirements and practices (collectively, “Applicable Laws”).
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  8. IM may not be secure. We assume no responsibility for assuring that any IM message has not been viewed, altered or forged by a third party without our knowledge.


Electronic communications prepared by personnel in the Sales and Trading Departments of Leerink Partners LLC are intended to provide market intelligence ONLY.  They not the product of Leerink Partners’ Research Department and are not research reports.  They are intended for distribution to institutional and professional clients only and are not intended for retail customer use.  The views presented in them may differ from those of Leerink Partners LLC Equity Research Department.  All information is subject to change without notice. Such communications are provided for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any product to which this information related. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.  To the extent Leerink Partners LLC research reports are referenced in this material, they are either attached hereto or information about these companies, including prices, rating, market making status, price charts, compensation disclosures, Analyst Certifications, etc. is available on

Copies of research reports can be obtained by contacting the Editorial Department of Leerink Partners LLC, 53 State Street, 40th Floor, Boston, MA 02109. Tel. 617-248-1601.

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